Frequently asked questions

Plot Information

What is the address, city, and area of the plot?

Cité Mohammed VI Tanger Tech, Commune Aouama, Ain Dalia, Tanger 90000.

Ownership Status

Is SATT publicly or privately owned?

SATT is a semi-public institution. Its four shareholders are Tanger Med Special Agency, Bank of Africa, China Communications Construction Company, and Regional Council of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Houceima.

Land Nature

Is SATT's land Greenfield or Brownfield?

Please find below the details regarding water consumption fees :

Current Zoning

What is the current zoning of SATT's land?

The land is divided into an industrial park, including a free zone area, and a smart city comprising residential, hospital, and local commerce areas.

Foreign Trade Zone Status

Is the site currently in a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)?

Yes, the site is in a free trade zone in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 19-94 relative to Free Zones.

Land Vocation

What is the Tanger Tech free zone's vocation, and what industries are already present?

The Tanger Tech free zone focuses on industries such as automotive, electronics, textile, metallurgical, renewable energies, and others.

Proximity to Residential Area

How close is the plot to the nearest residential area?

The Cité Mohammed VI Tanger Tech is a total of 2167 ha, including 1220 ha for the residential part of the city.

Management Fees

Are there any management fees within the Free Zone?

There are management fees every year due to zone management (to SATT), amounting to 1 Euro per square meter per year.

Property Tax

Is there any property tax in the free zone?

Indeed, within the Tanger Tech Free Zone, there is a notable absence of any annual property tax obligations.

Emergency Services and Relocation

What are the emergency services accessible within a 15 min drive from the plot?

Fire and police stations are within the zone, reachable within a 5 min radius. Tangier city, including the largest hospital, is 15 minutes away.

Customs Considerations

Who manages the specialized buildings and auxiliary facilities designed for custom use?

The Zone manager (SATT) is responsible for overseeing these in collaboration with customs.

Delivery Time

What is the delivery time for the land?

Tanger Tech handles all document deliveries for installation within 10 working days. Typically, SATT supports you through various permitting processes:


  • Step 1: Authorization of Settlement:
    • Application form;
    • Project presentation to the Free Zone commission.
  • Step 2: Company Creation:
    • Set up of the legal entity;
    • Signature of sale/lease contract.
  • Step 3: Project Implementation:
    • Construction permit;
    • Operating license.
  • Step 4: Start of Activity:
    • Launch of the activity;
    • Start of Production (SOP).

Land Extension

What is the extension capacity of the plot

Upon the client's request, we can fulfill extension requirements according to their plot size needs.

Construction Standards

What are the standards and guides used for construction of the factories within the industrial zone of Tanger Tech?

The necessary details are outlined in the scope of statement, and companies are free to construct their factories as per their requirements within the framework of the CDC. If requesting multiple lands, a technical justification for any deviation is required.

Maximum Land Use

What is the maximum land use?

The minimum building ratio is 60% of the plot size.

Building Height

What is the maximum height of the building on the plot?

The maximum permitted height, measured from the pavement level to the middle of the lot frontage, is 14m for all sectors. These heights allow for under-slopes of 2.80m in height and a maximum percentage of the covered area of:



However, greater heights may be allowed if they are necessary for technical reasons. The implantation of constructions in the same property must respect the rule of L = H/2. In exceptional cases where there is a need for a taller building, such requests may be considered, but justification based on technical reasons is essential. For instance, providing a layout of an existing factory from the company's similar project elsewhere in the world could serve as a valid justification.

Permitting Process

What types of permissions would the project need to get from the local/state authorities to start construction/to start production?

To start construction or production, the project would require the following permissions:

  • Delivery of the authorization of installation.
  • Construction Permit;
  • Certificate of construction conformity.

Construction Permit and EIA Approval

Is it permissible to submit the construction/building permit before receiving Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approval?

Yes, it is permissible to submit construction permits before obtaining EIA approval. The issuance of construction permits is overseen by SATT.

On-site Activities Before Permits

What on-site activities are permissible prior to the approval of environmental and construction permits?

Geotechnical studies, land leveling, and the initiation of construction may be allowed before obtaining EIA approval.

Labor Efficiency and Domestic Ratio

What is the disparity in labor efficiency and the domestic ratio within the construction industry in Morocco?

In the north of Morocco, particularly within our company and partners, we typically complete the construction of factories for international clients (from Asia, USA, and Europe) in an average period of 6-7 months.

Plant Maintenance without Permit

Can the plant start work and maintenance inside the factory without a permit?

It depends. Significant modifications require submission to the local office; however, minor changes may not need additional authorizations and can be coordinated with the Tanger Tech sales team.

Access Permits

Do investors need access permits for staff, laborers, employees, and vehicles?

Yes, all staff and vehicles must be registered to obtain access permits for Tanger Tech.

Site Conditions

Has the land been leveled, compacted, and cleared of surface plants? Additionally, what is the expected height difference concerning municipal roads in the final plot location?

The client assumes the responsibility for the crucial aspects of land leveling, compaction, and surface plant clearance. As for the expected height difference concerning municipal roads at the final plot location, this parameter is contingent on the specific choice of plot within the Tanger Tech Free Zone, accommodating the unique requirements and preferences of the client. For more detailed information, a comprehensive site analysis and consultation would be recommended.

Geotechnical Condition

What is the geotechnical condition of the site?

The geotechnical analysis is conducted by the client, and results from various locations across the entire land have been favorable.

Plot Restrictions

Are there any restrictions on the plot related to its readiness, such as vegetation cover, gas lines, soil type, or other elements that could potentially delay the start of construction?

There are no specific restrictions. The zone manager facilitates direct access to the highway and utility pipes, promoting a plug-and-play model to enhance construction readiness.

Site Visit Coordination

What steps can an investor take to coordinate a site visit to the free zone?

Site visits can be arranged through SATT representatives as part of the application process. For details on how we can assist with your expansion plans within our zone, please contact us at or

Plot Information

What is the address, city, and area of the plot?

Cité Mohammed VI Tanger Tech, Commune Aouama, Ain Dalia, Tanger 90000.

Ownership Status

Is SATT publicly or privately owned?

SATT is a semi-public institution. Its four shareholders are Tanger Med Special Agency, Bank of Africa, China Communications Construction Company, and Regional Council of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Houceima.

Land Nature

Is SATT's land Greenfield or Brownfield?

SATT's land is Greenfield (not previously built on).

Availability of Utilities

What are the details regarding the surrounding conditions, electricity distribution, and water supply in the Tanger Tech Free Zone?

The land is undergoing development, with essential utilities in place. Electricity is facilitated by a 225/20KV substation, and water requirements are met through projected reservoirs with a total capacity of 15,000 cubic meters.

Water Consumption and Sanitation Fees

What is the price of water consumption and liquid sanitation fee?

Please find below the details regarding water consumption fees:


Ground Water Level

What is the status of the ground water level on the plot?

 The water infrastructure of the plot has been meticulously developed to safeguard all plots from potential water-related risks. This includes comprehensive centennial studies conducted in collaboration with relevant public agencies overseeing this matter. Additionally, a man-made canal has been created to collect and manage all rainwater on the plot, further ensuring a robust water management system.

Source of Energy

What is the main available source of energy?

The primary source of energy in Tangier is derived from wind and solar power.

Electricity Time Slots

What is the start and end time for each time slot (peak, regular, off-peak) for the Tanger Tech Free Zone?

Ensuring optimal operational planning, here are the designated time slots for the Tanger Tech Free Zone:


  • Peak Hours (01/10 to 31/03): 5 pm to 10 pm;
  • Peak Hours (01/04 to 30/09): 6 pm to 11 pm;
  • Standard Hours (01/10 to 31/03): 7 am to 5 pm;
  • Standard Hours (01/04 to 30/09): 7 am to 6 pm;
  • Off-Peak Hours (01/10 to 31/03): 10 pm to 7 am;
  • Off-Peak Hours (01/04 to 30/09): 11 pm to 7 am. For further details or specific scheduling considerations, please feel free to inquire.

Electricity Price

What is the price of electricity?

Please find below the details regarding electricity fees:


Sustainable Energy Production

What is the total sustainable energy production capacity in the region?

SATT has the capability to establish new renewable energy farms/plants for specific projects, aligning with the national grid's goal of achieving 100% renewable power.

Monopolistic Departments

Are there any monopolistic departments or enterprises in the design and construction of the above energy sources in the factory?

The zone manager SATT and the associated utility company TMU manage these aspects within the zone. Outside the zone, the responsibility falls on the national agency or private operators.

Energy Supply Reliability

How reliable and sustainable is the energy supply within the Tanger Tech Free Zone?

 The energy infrastructure within the zone is robust, with a current capacity of 45 MW, set to reach 225 MW. Currently, 35% of the energy mix is from renewable sources, aiming to transition to 100% renewable energy in the near future


Where does the electricity in our area come from?

Electricity is sourced from the national grid and within Tanger Tech managed by both SATT and TMU.

Water Source

Who is responsible for connecting tap water services?

Tap water services within Tanger Tech are connected by SATT and TMU.

Natural Gas Supply

What is the source of natural gas in our area?

Natural gas is not connected through pipes, but can be used by several industries through tanks, delivered by the national distributors of gas.

Sewage Management

Who handles sewage services in our area?

Sewage services within Tanger Tech are managed and provided by SATT and TMU.

Hazardous Materials Management

How is the handling of hazardous materials managed within the Tanger Tech Free Zone?

The management of hazardous materials within the Tanger Tech Free Zone is overseen meticulously by SATT and TMU, both committed to adhering to stringent safety standards. Their collaborative efforts ensure a secure and compliant handling process for hazardous waste, prioritizing the safety and well-being of all stakeholders involved

Domestic Sewage Discharge

Can domestic sewage be directly discharged into municipal pipelines?

Wastewater must comply with local discharge values. If not, the client is required to install a treatment facility before discharging.

Flood Risk and Elevation

What is the project site's elevation and susceptibility to flooding?

The flooding risk is very low due to the implemented water infrastructure during development

Pollution in the Area

Are there any pollutants in the area?

No, the area is free from pollutants.

Contamination in the Area

Is there any confirmed contamination in the area?

There is no contamination; companies are encouraged to conduct a geotechnical study before making a purchase.

EIA Approval Timeframe

What is the typical timeframe for an EIA approval?

The typical timeframe for EIA approval is six months or less

Air Quality

Are there potential issues with securing an air permit due to low air quality?

No, there are no issues as the air quality is high. The treatment of fumes, odors, or other gaseous emissions is mandatory. Atmospheric discharges are controlled using all necessary advanced physical, chemical, or other purification techniques.

Environmental Permitting Restrictions

Are there any restrictions on environmental permitting

Requirements may vary based on the company's activity; an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may be necessary.

Seismic Area

Does the plant need to increase seismic support?

No, this area is not prone to seismic risks.

Road Maintenance

Which organization is responsible for the maintenance and development of roads?

The roads within Tanger Tech are managed by SATT.

Accessibility Information

Is there access for heavy trucks, and are there any limitations?

There is no limit to access for heavy trucks.

Distances to Infrastructure

What are the distances to industrial rail, highway, deepwater port, cargo airport, and international passenger airport?

  • Industrial rail: 3 km;
  • Highway: 4.1 km;
  • Deepwater port: 35 km;
  • Cargo airport: 17.5 km;
  • International passenger airport: 17.5 km.

Proximity to Residential Area

How close is the plot to the nearest residential area?

The Cité Mohammed VI Tanger Tech is a total of 2167 ha, including 1220 ha for the residential part of the city.

General Information

What is the legal working age?

The legal minimum working age is 18.

Labor Force Availability

Is the labor force available within a one-hour distance by car?

Yes, the labor force is available within a one-hour distance by car radius specifically tailored to the industrial park.

Average Age of Labor Force

What is the average age of the labor force?

The average age range of the workforce is 29 years old.

Local Employment Requirements

Is the company obligated to comply with any local employment requirements?

Although there is no explicit mandate for a specific minimum number of local staff, it is advisable to maintain a workforce composition of 80% Moroccan employees and a maximum of 20% foreigners.

Local Employee Relocation

Are local employees willing to relocate, and are they restricted to returning home only on weekends?

There is a possibility of local acceptance for relocation, and arrangements for returning home on weekends can be considered.

Hiring Process

What is the common way for a newly startup plant to hire workers?

 Using Anapec (national recruitment and labor agency) is the most common way to hire and interview people during industrial project launches.

Mass Hiring Vendor

Is there a master hiring vendor available for mass hire in a short time, for example, hiring 500 people in one month?

Yes, by using Anapec or private HR companies.

Shift Model

Does it allow a 12-hour shift model?

The maximum hours per shift are 8; however, overwork is permitted according to national regulations.

Hiring Foreign Workers

Is it possible to hire workers from other countries, and are there any regulations such as % limits?

Yes, it is possible to hire foreign workers, and each factory usually is allowed a maximum of 20% foreign employees. Companies can send their international team for temporary training periods to the local factory with no specific limitation.

Shift Timing

What are the 3 shifts allowed per day?

The three shifts, including night shifts, adhere to a standard of 8 hours per day, with timings adjusted according to the company's requirements.

Weekend and Holiday Work

Does it allow working on Saturdays/Sundays/public holidays?

Yes, it is possible to allow working on Saturdays/Sundays/public holidays

Overtime Limit

Is there an overtime limit regulation?

There is no obligatory overtime limit regulation.

Working Hours and Operations

What are the legal working hours?

Each person can work a legal maximum of 8 hours per day with the possibility of overtime. Three shifts per day are possible.

Overtime Limit

Is there an overtime limit regulation?

There is no obligatory overtime limit regulation.

Overtime Criteria and Payment

What are the criteria for overtime work and the corresponding payment?

Please review the provisions outlined in Article 198, Article 197, Article 196, Article 201, and Article 202 of the Moroccan Labor Law, accessible: Moroccan Labor Law.

Labor Force Education and Recruitment

What are the education levels of the labor force within a one-hour distance by car?

Individuals with high school diplomas, technical certificates, bachelor's, master's, and PhD degrees constitute the workforce available to work in Tanger Tech industrial park each year.

Technical Schools and Universities

How many technical schools, colleges, or universities are around the area

There are diverse types of technical training schools, universities, and other educational institutions in the region such as Université Abdelmalek Esaadi, Ensah, Faculté des sciences et Techniques de Tanger, OFPPT, école nationale des Sciences Appliquées Tétouan, and Faculté polydisciplinaire à Larache.

Apprenticeships and Internships

Can students work as apprentices or interns during their study? Are there any regulations or restrictions?

Yes, students can work as apprentices or interns during their studies without specific regulations or restrictions.

Student Retention

Where are the students from, and how many will stay after graduation (%)?

The majority of students are Moroccans, and a high percentage stay in the area after graduation.

Campus Recruitment

When is the best time to contact schools for campus recruitment?

 The second quarter of the year is ideal since students are actively seeking internships to graduate.

Campus Cooperation Programs

Is there a campus cooperation program or dual education program support from the government?

Yes, there are many such programs such as:


  • Industry Sector: The government plans to train 100,000 graduates in the industry sector by 2026. New training courses have been created in the field of aeronautical and automobile construction to train engineers, middle managers, and senior technicians.
  • Digital Transition Sector: A training program in the digital transition sector aims to train 22,000 graduates by 2026 and 50,000 by 2030. This program is designed to meet the current and future needs in the digital field.
  • Social Work Sector: A training program is set to train 10,000 specialists in the social work sector by 2030.
  • Health Sector: Higher education is being leveraged to increase the number of health personnel by 2030.
  • Vocational Training: There is a commitment to developing vocational training to meet the needs of companies in terms of qualified human resources. The aim is to offer graduates more employment opportunities and respond to the needs of the labor market. The government recognizes the pivotal and complementary role of vocational training in forming necessary skills for different sectors.

Labor Contracts and Termination

What is the normal term of a labor contract?

Morocco recognizes three categories of employment contracts: fixed-term, indefinite-term, and job completion. Fixed-term contracts are limited to a maximum duration of 12 months and can be renewed once. In contrast, indefinite-term contracts have no set expiration date.

Contract Renewal

Can fixed-term contracts be renewed, and how many times?

Fixed-term contracts can be renewed or changed into indefinite term contracts with a single renewal allowed.

Bereavement Leave

How much bereavement leave are employees entitled to?

Employees are entitled to bereavement leave based on the relationship with the deceased:


  • For the death of an employee’s spouse, child, grandchild, parent, or stepchild:
    • 3 days of leave;
    • 1 day is paid.
  • For the death of an employee’s sibling or a sibling or parent of the employee’s spouse:
    • 2 days of leave.

Marriage Leave

How much leave is granted for marriage?

Depending on the agreement, employees may get up to 4 days for Marriage Leave.

Maternity Leave

What is the duration of maternity leave?

Maternity leave is 14 weeks.

Parental Leave

How much parental leave is provided ?

Employees get 15 days of parental leave.


How is the hospital condition?

According to the International Trade Administration, Morocco's healthcare system is primarily public, with 85% of supply from public hospitals. In 2022, public spending was 40%, and private was 60%. The country has six university hospitals, 159 public hospitals, and a military healthcare system. The government allocates funds for reforms, including $2.8 billion in 2023. The private sector includes 400+ clinics, with COVID-19 aid of $4 billion. Morocco aims for universal health coverage by 2025, with new laws and reforms. Opportunities include investments in hospital infrastructure and the medical device market estimated at $236 million.

Employee Termination

What happens if an employee wants to terminate the contract?

If an employee commits a serious offense, they can be dismissed without notice, severance pay, or damages. Severance pay is based on the average wages of the 52 weeks before termination.

Government Programs and Wages

Are there sponsor or incentive programs from the government for talent attraction, particularly for blue-collar labor and high talent of special technology?

 Yes, ANAPEC offers various programs for talent attraction.

Minimum Wage

What is the current minimum wage?

The current minimum wage is approximately 310 USD.

Salary Levels by Industry

Is there a significant difference in salary levels among different industries?

In the manufacturing sector, salary ranges are generally similar.

Average Salary by Seniority

What is the average salary for different seniority of employees (operator/engineer/manager)?

Refer to the "Average salaries" illustration for detailed information below:



Employee Benefits and Labor Union

What mandatory benefits are provided by law?

The mandatory benefits that are provided by the Moroccan law are: CNSS, CIMR, salary, and bonuses if applicable.

Additional Employer Benefits

Are there additional benefits provided by employers in the region?

Typically, employers in the region offer additional benefits such as canteen or meal vouchers and opportunities for association memberships.

Hardship Allowance

Will local or expatriate employees get a hardship allowance from the company?

No, there is no hardship allowance.

Labor Union Establishment

Can employees in free zones establish a Labor Union?

No, there is no Labor Union in the free zones.

Labor Unions in Manufacturing

How many companies in manufacturing have set up Labor Unions in your country?

None within the free zones

Strikes in Free Zones

Have there been any strikes in the past 3 years in the free zones?

No, there hasn't been any strike in the free zones of Tangiers


How do employees typically commute in the region?

Employees mostly use company or personal cars, while most of them get to/from work through company provided transportation.

Bus Stations

Are there bus stations or routes near the site?

Not directly in the zone, but it is expected in the future. Companies usually hire a third-party service for staff transportation.

Company Bus Operations

Does the company's bus run 24 hours?

Yes, it can operate 24 hours, it is according to the company shift requirement and its contract with the third-party service.

Transportation from Port to SATT

Who is responsible for transportation from the Tanger Port to SATT, and what is the process?

 Investors have the flexibility to use their own transport or subcontract transportation to a third party. Registration on the SATT customs system and processing the consignment on the system are prerequisites.


How do employees get meals in the region?

The company usually provides a canteen for its workers.

Meal Provision Regulation

Is the provision of meals regulated by the employer?

 Yes, generally the provision of meals is regulated by the employer


Can employees stay in dormitories within the factory in Morocco?

No, it is not allowed in Morocco. However, some companies help workers find accommodation in the area. Currently, most residential areas are within 20 to 40 minutes from Tanger Tech

Meal Allowance

How is the meal allowance determined?

It depends on the company.

Leave Policies

How many national holidays are there in a year?

There are 11 national holidays.

Annual Leave Regulations

What are the regulations regarding annual leave at the company?

Employees become eligible for paid annual leave after completing six months of continuous service with the same employer. The entitlement is at a rate of 1.5 days of leave for each month of service.

Annual Leave

How much annual leave is provided?

Employees get 18 days of annual leave.

Cultural Considerations

Are there specific cultural or religious considerations that companies should be mindful of?

Given that Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country, it is advisable to designate an area for workers to perform their prayers.

Weather Conditions

How is the weather or temperature in different seasons in this Tangier? Will the factory need to support employees?

Summer temperatures can reach a maximum of 37 °C, and winter max is 5 °C. Adequate support measures for employees during extreme weather conditions may be necessary.

Medical Insurance

Will the company offer medical insurance for employees, and what is the cost per person?

Yes, it depends on the medical insurance plan the company chooses.

Working Visa

What is the working visa regulation for engineers & technicians from other countries, specifically from China?

The work visa is valid for 1 year for the first time, 3 years for the second time, and 5 or 10 years for the third time.

Employer-Provided Transportation

Does the employer provide transportation, and is it regulated?

 It is not regulated, but generally, manufacturing companies provide transportation through third-party service.

Import & Export Costs

What are the import and export costs?

Companies in the free zone are exempted from import/export duties. Moreover, the transportation costs depend on various factors.

Exportation to African Countries

What are the applicable customs duties when exporting to African countries?

All imports and exports are subject to a 0% duty rate, regardless of the origin or destination. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) only pertain to the tax policies of goods upon reaching the destination within the borders of the customer's country.

Cooperation with Chinese Ports

How is Tanger Tech cooperating with Chinese ports and shipping companies?

anger Med port, located 30 km away from Tanger Tech, is connected to 186 ports in 77 countries, including 8 ports in China. About 20% of the container traffic is exchanged with Asia, strengthening collaboration between Tanger Tech and Chinese ports such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian, Ningbo, Guangzhou, and Xiamen.

Local Market Access

Can I market my products locally?

According to the law governing free zones, an operator can serve the national market up to 15% of its turnover.

Additional Information

What is the process for obtaining additional information?

For more in-depth details, please contact us via email at or